Dr Eliza Ahmed
Child & Family Psychologist

Below is a list of our assessment / diagnostic services available for all children up to 17 years.
Cognitive / Intellectual
Early school entry / School Readiness / Giftedness
Educational (Diagnostic assessment for specific learning difficulties, Dyslexia)
Neuropsychological assessment – Refined tests of attention, in-depth Memory testing, executive functioning, and theory of mind
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Functional Skills / Adaptive Functioning
Disability / Developmental delay (including funding applications)
Behavioural and Emotional difficulties (ADHD, ODD)
Anxiety (generalised, separation, social, selective mutism, OCD, PTSD)
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to attend your appointment, please advise our reception staff as soon as possible so that we are able to offer the time to another family. Less than 24 hours of cancellation notice or no attendance will incur a scheduled appointment fee.